Publications of year 2011
  1. Pierre Allard. Logical modeling of multidimensional analysis of multivalued relations - Application to geographic data exploration. PhD thesis, Thèse de l'Université de Rennes 1 - École doctorale MATISSE, 12 décembre 2011. Note: Supervised by S. Ferré and O. Ridoux. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

Conference articles
  1. Denis Béchet, Alexandre Dikovsky, and Annie Foret. Categorial Grammars with Iterated Types form a Strict Hierarchy of k-Valued Languages. In Implementation and Application of Automata - 16th International Conference, CIAA 2011, Blois, France, volume 6807 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 42-52, 2011. Springer. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  2. Denis Béchet, Alexander Dikovsky, and Annie Foret. On Dispersed and Choice Iteration in Incrementally Learnable Dependency Types. In Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics - 6th International Conference, LACL 2011, Montpellier, France, volume 6736 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 80-95, 2011. Springer. Keyword(s): Grammatical inference, Categorial grammar, Dependency grammar, Incremental learning, Iterated types.. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  3. Denis Béchet, Alexander Dikovsky, and Annie Foret. Sur les itérations dispersées et les choix itérés pour l'apprentissage incrémental des types dans les grammaires de dépendances. In Conférence Francophone d'Apprentissage 2011 (CAP), Chambéry, France, 2011. [bibtex-entry]

  4. Peggy Cellier, Mireille Ducassé, and Sébastien Ferré. Exploration de traces à l'aide de fouille de données. In Atelier IC Traces numériques, connaissances et cognition, 2011. [bibtex-entry]

  5. Peggy Cellier, Mireille Ducassé, Sébastien Ferré, and Olivier Ridoux. Multiple Fault Localization with Data Mining. In Int. Conf. on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering, pages 238-243, 2011. Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School. Keyword(s): data mining, software engineering, debugging, association rules, formal concept analysis. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  6. Peggy Cellier, Sébastien Ferré, Mireille Ducassé, and Thierry Charnois. Partial orders and logical concept analysis to explore patterns extracted by data mining. In Int. Conf. on Conceptual Structures for Discovering Knowledge, pages 77-90, 2011. Springer. Keyword(s): data mining, partial order, selection of patterns, logical concept analysis, formal concept analysis. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  7. Mireille Ducassé, Sébastien Ferré, and Peggy Cellier. Building up Shared Knowledge with Logical Information Systems. In A. Napoli and V. Vychodil, editors, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Concept Lattices and their Applications, pages 31-42, October 2011. INRIA. Note: ISBN 978-2-905267-78-8. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  8. Sébastien Ferré and Alice Hermann. Semantic Search: Reconciling Expressive Querying and Exploratory Search. In L. Aroyo and C. Welty, editors, Int. Semantic Web Conf., LNCS 7031, pages 177-192, 2011. Springer. Keyword(s): semantic web, querying, exploratory search, expressiveness, navigation, faceted search. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  9. S. Ferré, A. Hermann, and M. Ducassé. Combining Faceted Search and Query Languages for the Semantic Web. In C. Salinesi and O. Pastor, editors, Semantic Search over the Web (SSW) - Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops - CAiSE Int. Workshops, volume 83 of LNBIP 83, pages 554-563, 2011. Springer. Note: Best paper. Keyword(s): semantic web, semantic search, user interaction, faceted search, querying. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  10. Alice Hermann, Sébastien Ferré, and Mireille Ducassé. Création et mise à jour guidées d'objets dans une base RDF(S). In Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en Intelligence Artificielle (RJCIA), 2011. Presses de l'Université des Antilles et de la Guyane. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  11. Alice Hermann, Sébastien Ferré, and Mireille Ducassé. Guided creation and update of objects in RDF(S) bases. In Mark A. Musen and Óscar Corcho, editors, Int. Conf. Knowledge Capture (K-CAP 2011), pages 189-190, 2011. ACM Press. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  12. D. Legallois, Peggy Cellier, and Thierry Charnois. Calcul de réseaux phrastiques pour l analyse et la navigation textuelle. In Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, 2011. Keyword(s): Sentence network, Bonds between sentences, Textual analysis, Discourse analysis. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

Internal reports
  1. Sébastien Ferré. SQUALL: a High-Level Language for Querying and Updating the Semantic Web. Research Report, IRISA, 2011. [WWW] Keyword(s): Semantic Web, controlled natural language, query language, update language, expressiveness, Montague grammar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  2. Sébastien Ferré, Alice Hermann, and Mireille Ducassé. Semantic Faceted Search: Safe and Expressive Navigation in RDF Graphs. Research Report, IRISA, 2011. [WWW] Keyword(s): semantic web, faceted search, query language, exploratory search, navigation, expressiveness. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  1. Sébastien Ferré and Alice Hermann. Camelis2 : explorer et éditer une base RDF(S) de façon expressive et interactive. Note: Démo acceptée à la platerforme AFIA, 2011. Keyword(s): demo. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Sébastien Ferré and Alice Hermann. Sewelis: Exploring and Editing an RDF Base in an Expressive and Interactive Way. Note: Demo accepted at the Int. Semantic Web Conf. (ISWC), 2011. Keyword(s): demo. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]



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Last modified: Fri Jan 28 13:48:41 2022
Author: ferre.

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