Publications about 'specification'
  1. Aurélien Lamercerie. Principe de transduction sémantique pour l'application de théories d'interfaces sur des documents de spécification. PhD thesis, Université de Rennes 1, April 2021. Note: Thèse de doctorat dirigée par Caillaud, Benoit et Foret, Annie. [WWW] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

Articles in journal or book chapters
  1. Sébastien Ferré and Olivier Ridoux. An Introduction to Logical Information Systems. Information Processing & Management, 40(3):383-419, 2004. Keyword(s): information systems, information search, retrieval, query formulation, representation languages, deduction, theorem proving. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  2. D. Le Métayer, V.-A. Nicolas, and O. Ridoux. Programs, Properties, and Data: Exploring the Software Development Trilogy. IEEE Software, 15(6):75-81, November/December 1998. [WWW] Keyword(s): Software engineering, testing, verification, program analysis, program learning. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

Conference articles
  1. Anne-Laure Ligozat, Kevin Marquet, Aurélie Bugeau, Julien Lefevre, Pierre Boulet, Sylvain Bouveret, Philippe Marquet, Olivier Ridoux, and Olivier Michel. How to Integrate Environmental Challenges in Computing Curricula?. In Proceedings of the 53rd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE'22), Providence, RI, USA., March 2022. ACM. [WWW] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  2. Aurélien Lamercerie. Formal analysis of natural language requirements for the design of cyber-physical systems. In Conférence TALN, 2018. [WWW] [PDF] Keyword(s): Grammatical Formalism, Semantic Representation, Categorial Grammar, Require-ments Engineering, Cyber-physical System, Modal Specification. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  3. Sébastien Ferré and Sebastian Rudolph. Advocatus Diaboli - Exploratory Enrichment of Ontologies with Negative Constraints. In A. ten Teije et al., editor, Int. Conf. Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW), LNAI 7603, pages 42-56, 2012. Springer. Keyword(s): semantic web, ontology, exploratory search, negative constraints, possible world. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  4. Jean-Philippe Pouzol and M. Ducassé. Formal specification of intrusion signatures and detection rules. In S. Schneider, editor, Proc. of 15th IEEE Computer Security Foudations Workshop, pages 64-76, 2002. IEEE Press. [bibtex-entry]

  5. Sébastien Ferré and Olivier Ridoux. A Framework for Developing Embeddable Customized Logics. In A. Pettorossi, editor, Int. Work. Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation, LNCS 2372, pages 191-215, 2001. Springer. [WWW] Keyword(s): logic, composition, theorem prover, logic-based systems. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  6. E. Jahier, M. Ducassé, and O. Ridoux. Specifying trace models with a continuation semantics. In M. Ducassé, A. Kusalik, L. Naish, and G. Puebla, editors, Proc. of ICLP'99 Workshop on Logic Programming Environments, 1999. Note: LPE'99. [WWW] Keyword(s): trace models, continuation semantics, specification, validation, Logic programming. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  7. M. Ducassé. A pragmatic survey of automated debugging. In P. Fritzson, editor, Proceedings of the First Workshop on Automated and Algorithmic Debugging, volume 749 of Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, Linkoeping, Sweden, May 1993. Springer-Verlag. [WWW] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  8. M. Ducassé. A general trace query mechanism based on Prolog. In M. Bruynooghe and M. Wirsing, editors, International Symposium on Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming, volume 631 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 400-414, August 1992. Springer-Verlag. [WWW] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

Internal reports
  1. Sébastien Ferré and Olivier Ridoux. Introduction to Logical Information Systems. Research Report RR-4540, Inria, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, September 2002. [WWW] Keyword(s): information system, information search and retrieval, query formulation, representation languages, deduction and theorem proving. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  2. Sébastien Ferré and Olivier Ridoux. Logic Functors : a Framework for Developing Embeddable Customized Logics. Technical report RR-4457, Inria, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, May 2002. [WWW] Keyword(s): applied logic, software component. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]



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Last modified: Fri Jan 28 13:48:42 2022
Author: ferre.

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