Publications of year 2013
Conference articles
  1. Sébastien Ferré. Representation of Complex Expressions in RDF. In P. Cimiano, M. Fernández, V. Lopez, S. Schlobach, and J. Völker, editors, Extended Semantic Web Conf. (ESWC Satellite Events), LNCS 7955, pages 273-274, 2013. Springer. [PDF] Keyword(s): semantic web, RDF, blank nodes, expressions, knowledge representation, querying, query-based faceted search, mathematical search.
    author = {Sébastien Ferré},
    title = {Representation of Complex Expressions in RDF},
    booktitle = {Extended Semantic Web Conf. (ESWC Satellite Events)},
    year = {2013},
    pages = {273-274},
    editor = {P. Cimiano and M. Fernández and V. Lopez and S. Schlobach and J. Völker},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {LNCS 7955},
    keywords = {semantic web, RDF, blank nodes, expressions, knowledge representation, querying, query-based faceted search, mathematical search},
    asbtract = {Complex expressions, as used in mathematics and logics, account for a large part of human knowledge. It is therefore desirable to allow for their representation and search in RDF. We propose an approach\footnote{A long version of this paper is available at {	t}.} that fulfills three objectives: (1) the accurate representation of expressions in standard RDF, so that expressive search is made possible, (2) the automated generation of human-readable labels for expressions, and (3) the compatibility with legacy data (e.g., OWL/RDF, SPIN).},
    pdf = {},

  2. Sébastien Ferré. SQUALL: A Controlled Natural Language as Expressive as SPARQL 1.1. In E. Métais, F. Meziane, M. Saraee, V. Sugumaran, and S. Vadera, editors, Int. Conf. Applications of Natural Language to Information System (NLDB), LNCS 7934, pages 114-125, 2013. Springer. [PDF] Keyword(s): controlled natural language, query language, update language, semantic web, SPARQL, expressivity.
    The Semantic Web is now made of billions of triples, which are available as Linked Open Data (LOD) or as RDF stores. The most common approach to access RDF datasets is through SPARQL, an expressive query language. However, SPARQL is difficult to learn for most users because it exhibits low-level notions of relational algebra such as union, filters, or grouping. We present SQUALL, a high-level language for querying and updating an RDF dataset. It has a strong compliance with RDF, covers all features of SPARQL 1.1, and has a controlled natural language syntax that completely abstracts from low-level notions. SQUALL is available as two web services: one for translating a SQUALL sentence to a SPARQL query or update, and another for directly querying a SPARQL endpoint such as DBpedia.

    author = {Sébastien Ferré},
    title = {SQUALL: A Controlled Natural Language as Expressive as {SPARQL} 1.1},
    booktitle = {Int. Conf. Applications of Natural Language to Information System ({NLDB})},
    year = {2013},
    pages = {114-125},
    editor = {E. Métais and F. Meziane and M. Saraee and V. Sugumaran and S. Vadera},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {LNCS 7934},
    keywords = {controlled natural language, query language, update language, semantic web, SPARQL, expressivity},
    abstract = {The Semantic Web is now made of billions of triples, which are available as Linked Open Data (LOD) or as RDF stores. The most common approach to access RDF datasets is through SPARQL, an expressive query language. However, SPARQL is difficult to learn for most users because it exhibits low-level notions of relational algebra such as union, filters, or grouping. We present SQUALL, a high-level language for querying and updating an RDF dataset. It has a strong compliance with RDF, covers all features of SPARQL 1.1, and has a controlled natural language syntax that completely abstracts from low-level notions. SQUALL is available as two web services: one for translating a SQUALL sentence to a SPARQL query or update, and another for directly querying a SPARQL endpoint such as DBpedia.},
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  3. Alice Hermann, Mireille Ducassé, Sébastien Ferré, and Jean Lieber. Une approche fondée sur le raisonnement à partir de cas pour la mise à jour interactive d'objets du Web sémantique. In 21ème atelier Français de Raisonnement à Partir de Cas (RàPC), Lille, France, 2013. [WWW] Keyword(s): mise à jour d'objets, Web sémantique, RDFS, formulaire de saisie, recherche de cas par relâchement.
    author = {Hermann, Alice and Ducass{\'e}, Mireille and Ferr{\'e}, S{\'e}bastien and Lieber, Jean},
    title = {{Une approche fond{\'e}e sur le raisonnement {\`a} partir de cas pour la mise {\`a} jour interactive d'objets du Web s{\'e}mantique}},
    booktitle = {{21{\`e}me atelier Fran{\c c}ais de Raisonnement {\`a} Partir de Cas (R{\`a}PC)}},
    year = {2013},
    keywords = {mise {\`a} jour d'objets; Web s{\'e}mantique; RDFS; formulaire de saisie; recherche de cas par rel{\^a}chement},
    address = {Lille, France},
    url = {},

Internal reports
  1. Joris Guyonvarch, Sébastien Ferré, and Mireille Ducassé. Scalable Query-based Faceted Search on top of SPARQL Endpoints for Guided and Expressive Semantic Search. Research report PI-2009, LIS - IRISA, October 2013. [WWW] [PDF] Keyword(s): Web of data, semantic search, querying, faceted search, SPARQL, SEWELIS, expressivity, usability, scalability.
    Because the Web of Documents is composed of structured pages that are not meaningful to machines, search in the Web of Documents is generally processed by keywords. However, because the Web of Data provides structured information, search in the Web of Data can be more precise. SPARQL is the standard query language for querying this structured information. SPARQL is expressive and its syntax is similar to SQL. However, casual user can not write SPARQL queries. Sewelis is a search system for the Web of Data offering to explore data progressively and more user-friendly than SPARQL. Sewelis guides the search with a query built incrementally because users only have to select query elements in order to complete the query. However, Sewelis does not scale to large datasets such as DBpedia, which is composed of about 2 billion triples. In this report, we introduce Scalewelis. Scalewelis is a search system for the Web of Data that is similar to Sewelis but scalable. Moreover, Scalewelis is independent to data because it connects to SPARQL endpoints. We took part in a challenge on DBpedia with Scalewelis. We were able to answer to 70 questions out of 99 with acceptable response times.

    hal_id = {hal-00868460},
    url = {},
    title = {{Scalable Query-based Faceted Search on top of SPARQL Endpoints for Guided and Expressive Semantic Search}},
    author = {Guyonvarch, Joris and Ferré, Sébastien and Ducassé, Mireille},
    abstract = {{Because the Web of Documents is composed of structured pages that are not meaningful to machines, search in the Web of Documents is generally processed by keywords. However, because the Web of Data provides structured information, search in the Web of Data can be more precise. SPARQL is the standard query language for querying this structured information. SPARQL is expressive and its syntax is similar to SQL. However, casual user can not write SPARQL queries. Sewelis is a search system for the Web of Data offering to explore data progressively and more user-friendly than SPARQL. Sewelis guides the search with a query built incrementally because users only have to select query elements in order to complete the query. However, Sewelis does not scale to large datasets such as DBpedia, which is composed of about 2 billion triples. In this report, we introduce Scalewelis. Scalewelis is a search system for the Web of Data that is similar to Sewelis but scalable. Moreover, Scalewelis is independent to data because it connects to SPARQL endpoints. We took part in a challenge on DBpedia with Scalewelis. We were able to answer to 70 questions out of 99 with acceptable response times.}},
    keywords = {Web of data; semantic search; querying; faceted search; SPARQL; SEWELIS; expressivity; usability; scalability},
    language = {Anglais},
    institution = {LIS - IRISA},
    pages = {28},
    type = {Research report},
    number = {PI-2009},
    year = {2013},
    month = Oct,
    pdf = {},

  1. Sébastien Ferré. squall2sparql: a Translator from Controlled English to Full SPARQL 1.1. Work. Multilingual Question Answering over Linked Data (QALD-3), 2013. Note: See Online Working Notes at [PDF] Keyword(s): squall, controlled natural language, question answering, SPARQL.
    This paper reports on the participation of the system {\sc squall2sparql} in the QALD-3 question answering challenge for DBpedia. {\sc squall2sparql} is a translator from SQUALL, a controlled natural language for English, to SPARQL 1.1, a standard expressive query and update language for linked open data. It covers nearly all features of SPARQL 1.1, and is directly applicable to any SPARQL endpoint.

    author = {Sébastien Ferré},
    title = {squall2sparql: a Translator from Controlled English to Full SPARQL 1.1},
    howpublished = {Work. Multilingual Question Answering over Linked Data (QALD-3)},
    editor = {C. Unger {et~al.}},
    year = {2013},
    note = {See Online Working Notes at {	t}},
    keywords = {squall, controlled natural language, question answering, SPARQL},
    abstract = {This paper reports on the participation of the system {\sc squall2sparql} in the QALD-3 question answering challenge for DBpedia. {\sc squall2sparql} is a translator from SQUALL, a controlled natural language for English, to SPARQL 1.1, a standard expressive query and update language for linked open data. It covers nearly all features of SPARQL 1.1, and is directly applicable to any SPARQL endpoint.},
    pdf = {},

  2. Joris Guyonvarc'h and Sébastien Ferré. Scalewelis: a Scalable Query-based Faceted Search System on Top of SPARQL Endpoints. Work. Multilingual Question Answering over Linked Data (QALD-3), 2013. Note: See Online Working Notes at [PDF] Keyword(s): faceted search, question answering, SEWELIS, SPARQL.
    This paper overviews the participation of Scalewelis in the QALD-3 open challenge. Scalewelis is a Faceted Search system. Faceted Search systems refine the result set at each navigation step. In Scalewelis, refinements are syntactic operations that modify the user query. Scalewelis uses the Semantic Web standards (URI, RDF, SPARQL) and connects to SPARQL endpoints.

    author = {Joris Guyonvarc'h and Sébastien Ferré},
    title = {Scalewelis: a Scalable Query-based Faceted Search System on Top of SPARQL Endpoints},
    howpublished = {Work. Multilingual Question Answering over Linked Data (QALD-3)},
    editor = {C. Unger {et~al.}},
    year = {2013},
    note = {See Online Working Notes at {	t}},
    keywords = {faceted search, question answering, SEWELIS, SPARQL},
    abstract = {This paper overviews the participation of Scalewelis in the QALD-3 open challenge. Scalewelis is a Faceted Search system. Faceted Search systems refine the result set at each navigation step. In Scalewelis, refinements are syntactic operations that modify the user query. Scalewelis uses the Semantic Web standards (URI, RDF, SPARQL) and connects to SPARQL endpoints.},
    pdf = {},



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Last modified: Wed Feb 8 19:16:22 2023
Author: ferre.

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